Our Community Impact
As a symbol of enlightenment and reawakening, the lotus flower reflects our vision to create communities free from oppression and violence for all people. Through shared values of resilience, empowerment, diversity, equity, and inclusion we are deepening understanding, inspiring action, and amplifying our collective impact to create lasting change.
Each of us has the opportunity to make the everyday choices reflected in our attitudes, words, and behaviors which promote safety and communicate intolerance for violence.
TOGETHER we create a world where every person is safe and respected and can reach their full potential.
TOGETHER we ALL have the opportunity to hope, heal, grow.

Life without hope is not really life. Hope is very important, and Lotus brings hope to many in our community. It is a lifeline. It is a name that I use in my everyday life to bring others into that hope.
I am an overcomer. I am a fierce friend. I am an advocate. I am a change agent. I am Lotus.
Aida Vega,
Survivors’ Council Member

Lotus gives survivors of sexual violence and their families a real chance for both hope and healing. I’m proud to be a part of this life-restoring cause.
Joni Flowers Goodman,
Former Board Member, Donor
Your gift to Lotus creates opportunities for hope, healing, and growth.
With your support, we can build resilience in children, youth, families, and survivors to heal and reclaim their lives. We can strengthen families and prevent child abuse. We can educate and empower our community to end interpersonal violence. Whether you wish to make a one-time gift, give monthly, in-kind, or through an event sponsorship, Lotus offers many meaningful ways to make an impact.
Give Monthly
One-Time Donation
We know that recurring gifts aren’t for everyone. You can make an impact through a one-time meaningful gift.
Every contribution counts!
Other Ways to Make an Impact
Corporate & Foundation Supporters
Is your corporation or business looking to make a difference in your community? From volunteering, internal In-Kind donation drives to financial assistance, Lotus offers many opportunities to get involved!
Lotus provides healing and restorative services free of charge for every survivor. Learn more about who we are and who we help. YOU can support survivors, strengthen families and empower communities! Here are a few opportunities to inspire change:
- Sponsor Men Who Cook, our annual awareness and fundraising event.
- Sponsor prevention education programming for a local school.
- Sponsor training for law enforcement officers or nurses.
- Sponsor forensic medical examinations for child victims.
- Sponsor a Parent Cafe series for caregivers.
- Sponsor child abuse prevention education programming for adults.
We appreciate our foundation donors!
- HDR Foundation
- Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust
- Independence Bank
- AllState
- Tackett Foundation, Inc.
- Rotary Foundation
- Kentucky Bar Foundation
- Kentucky Colonels
- Community Foundation of West Kentucky
- Charity League of Paducah Ethel Dubois Smith Fund
If you are interested in learning more about how you can be a part of our mission, please contact:
Amberly R. Haverstock
Community Impact Director
270-534-4422 Ext. 32
Email Amberly
In-Kind Donations
Your in-kind donations allow us to invest more funding into our programs and services for survivors. We’re continually in need of art therapy supplies, office supplies and more. See a list of our In-Kind Donation needs.
If you’ve collected any of these items please arrange a drop off or pick up by contacting Lotus at: 270.534.4422.
Give While You Shop!
Amazon Smile
Shop Amazon often? Every purchase could help Lotus! Select Rape Victim Services, INC and support Lotus every time you shop.
Kroger Plus
Have a Kroger Plus Card? Go to Kroger Community Rewards and select the Purchase Area Sexual Assault & Child Advocacy Center, NPO # 11727 to register your Kroger Plus card and support Lotus every time you shop at Kroger. It will even show you how much your purchases have supported Lotus each quarter.
Support Our Annual Event
Sponsors help make our annual event, Men Who Cook, a big success.
Contact Amberly Haverstock, 270-534-4422 or email her at to reserve your table(s) today! Have a business and want to contribute goods/services? We love that, too!
Donor Bill of Rights
- To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
- To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
- To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
- To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
- To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
- To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
- To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
- To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
- To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
Developed by:
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits
Mail In Your Donation
PO Box 8506
Paducah, KY 42002
Your donation creates opportunities for hope, healing, and growth for survivors of all ages and supports our vision to build a resilient community free from oppression and violence for all people.

Make an Impact
Lotus supports survivors, strengthens families, and empowers communities to end child abuse and sexual violence.
Our volunteers enrich our mission with valuable expertise, perspectives, and passion. We welcome you to join us in creating a community of support for survivors and freedom from violence. To start your volunteer journey with Lotus, take a look at our opportunities and submit a volunteer application below.

Medical Advocacy & Crisis Response
Connect survivors to safety, resources, and justice.

Support hope, healing, and growth for survivors.

Community Outreach & Support
Amplify Lotus’s impact in the community.
Volunteer with Lotus

Lotus engages and cultivates relationships and partnerships to invoke shared values, deepen understanding, and amplify our collective impact. Through strengthened education, research, and advocacy we aim to cultivate safe, equitable, just communities where all persons thrive.
Prevention Education

Learn more about Lotus’s mission, key initiatives, and how to access valuable resources and services. Participants are empowered to deepen their understanding and create opportunities for positive change in our families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Community Impact
Program Contact
Caroline Glynn Neal
Community Outreach and Engagement Specialist
of Students Bullied on School Property
Experienced Physical Dating Violence
Experienced Sexual Violence
Pre-K to 5th Grade
MBF Child Safety Matters™
We educate and empower students and adults to prevent, recognize and respond to unsafe situations. This teaching includes discussions on bullying, cyberbullying, child abuse and digital abuse.
- Based on research and created/reviewed by experts.
- Educates children, school staff and parents.
- Improves academic performance.
- Creates a safer school environment.
Lesson Topics:
(two lessons annually per grade level)
- Lesson 1: General Safety and All Types of Child Abuse
- Lesson 2: Bullying, Cyberbullying, Digital Safety, and Digital Citizenship
Kindness, Compassion, and Acceptance Program
We focus the lesson on showing respect for others through kindness, compassion and acceptance by using books, videos and activities.
6th to 8th Grade Programs
Shifting Boundaries
Our middle school prevention strategy is a classroom and schoolwide curriculum designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of dating and sexual violence.
- Increases knowledge and awareness of sexual violence and harassment.
- Helps students define the meaning of boundaries and the role of boundaries in friendships and dating/romantic relationships.
- Helps school administrators identify spaces in the school where students feel unsafe and create strategies for making those areas safer.
- Helps students determine the key elements of a healthy relationship.
- Promotes non-violent behaviors and intentions in bystanders.
- Helps students create strategies for intervening when they see boundary violations and interpersonal violence.
Bullying & Bystander Empowerment
This program promotes discussion and problem solving using a presentation and interactive activities over various aspects of bullying.
Kindness, Compassion, and Acceptance
We focus on the impact of a positive school environment on students through kindness, compassion, and acceptance by using a presentation and small group activities.
Technology and Internet Safety
We teach students the importance of internet and cell phone safety and how to protect themselves in their daily use. We teach these concepts through videos, books, discussions and activities.
Healthy Relationships
Through activities and discussion students gain skills to identify the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, effective communication and healthy boundaries in relationships, and resources for help and support.
High School Programs
Green Dot High School
Through group and individual activities, team competitions, workbook activities, group discussions, and game-playing we equip students to recognize high-risk situations. It helps them identify realistic actions they could take and empower them with proactive behaviors to set non-violent norms inside their school.
Incorporating Green Dot into the culture of high schools is key. The program helps train the “popular opinion leaders” to help disseminate and normalize the idea that violence in not okay and everyone has to do their part.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded a five-year study to evaluate Green Dot in high schools across Kentucky. The study examined bystander intervention in 26 high schools over five years and confirms that Green Dot for High Schools reduces rates of sexual abuse, dating violence, stalking and other interpersonal violence by statistically significant percentages. The study results were published in 2017 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
(Note: Lotus currently works with Calloway County High School and Marshall County High School)
Kindness, Compassion, and Acceptance
We focus on the impact of a positive school environment on students through kindness, compassion, and acceptance by using a presentation and small group activities.
Technology and Internet Safety
We teach students the importance of internet and cell phone safety and how to protect themselves in their daily use. We teach these concepts through videos, books, discussions and activities.
Healthy Relationships
Through activities and discussion, teens gain skills to identify the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, effective communication and healthy boundaries in relationships, and resources for help and support.

Organizations like Lotus and programs like Green Dot are paving a way for social change.
Cadence Brown,
Marshall County High School Student
& Green Dot Ambassador
College Programming
Consent 101
We cover the four components of sexual consent (clear, coherent, willing, ongoing) and what that looks like in everyday scenarios.
Healthy Relationships
Through activities and discussion, participants gain skills to identify the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, effective communication and healthy boundaries in relationships, and resources for help and support.
Lotus Overview
This presentation gives an overview of Lotus’s mission, three main programs, and how to access valuable resources and services. We also empower participants to spark and create lasting change in our families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Adult/Community Programs
Darkness to Light Stewards of Children
Darkness to Light is an evidence-based prevention education program for child sexual abuse. This training educates and empowers adults on how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
Lotus Overview
This presentation gives an overview of Lotus’s mission, three main programs, and how to access valuable resources and services. We also empower participants to spark and create lasting change in our families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Parent Cafes
Lotus is collaborating with other community partners to host Parent Cafes which are discussion based groups led by approved facilitators. During cafes, Parents and caregivers engage in supportive discussions focusing on strengthening the 6 protective factors and are encouraged to hold positive leadership roles, promoting pro-social interactions which strengthen individual families and the entire community.
Professional Education

On-Going Professional Development for Volunteers
The following is a list of continuing education opportunities for Lotus volunteers. Please email Caroline Glynn Neal indicating which training you are participating to receive credits.
- Understanding Human Trafficking
(5 hrs) | Click Here to View - Polyvictimization in Later Life
(5 hrs) | Click Here to View
- Victim Assistance Trainings
(5 hrs) | Click Here to View
- Free Courses from Pennslyvania Coalistion Against Rape (PCAR) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
(There are a variety of courses at this resource, please pick and choose the courses you’d like to take.)
Click Here to View
Scheduled Professional Trainings
There are currently no upcoming trainings.
Please check back later.
in Prevention

Lotus Partners in Prevention are businesses, organizations, and individuals that commit to creating a community where all children, families, and survivors thrive. Distinguished by their dedication to raising awareness, financial support, volunteerism, or ambassadorship, Partners in Prevention embody, and act on, our shared responsibility to prevent child abuse and sexual violence.
Why become a partner?
Child abuse and sexual violence affect every one of us. As neighbors, colleagues, friends, and employers, we each have a unique power to foster hope, healing, and growth for survivors in our community.
Partners in Prevention enjoy opportunities for special volunteer opportunities, media partnerships, recognition on Lotus website, blog and social media spotlights, signage and print recognition, fulfillment in actively enriching our community, and so much more!
Become a
Partner in Prevention